It is no doubt that Salsa workshops are compulsory for Salsa dancers.
Especially, it is important for those who have been dancing for a few years. With dancers who want to reach another level, Salsa workshops are one of the important routes to improve the skill level drastically. Do you know the reason?
These 3 points above are the 3 main reasons that you should consider to participate in any Salsa workshop if you have chances. Honestly, we will have many more articles talking in details about Salsa workshop. Just stay tuned and follow our website.
What if people don’t have many chances to attend good Salsa workshops?
That is the whole reason we have this section in our 1-Minute Salsa website. Just other people, we also don’t have all the time to attend all the workshop around the world. Yet, the urge to learn is always in our spirit. So, sometimes we look at Youtube or Facebook clips to learn. Even though, learning from clips is nowhere as good as having the real lessons in the festivals.
But, better than nothing.
However, we also understand that workshops, shows, social dancing are everything for a Salsa festival or congress. If people just stay at home watching clips and learning, there won’t be any more extraordinary Salsa festivals. Therefore, we will sometimes have Salsa workshops clips with counts and without counts. Continuous learning is always good.
Contributing to build Salsa communities and learning in Salsa festivals/congresses’ workshops is the best!